El monstruo en el cine español. La Fundación SGAE realizará dos sesiones cinematográficas sobre el "monstruo" como figura procedente de la exclusión que busca la identidad y el afecto. 26 de octubre, 17.00h: Un monstruo viene a verme (Juan Antonio Bayona, 2016). 2 de noviembre, 17.00h: Handia (Jon Garaño, Aitor Arregi, 2017). Entradas: 3€. Más información y entradas aquí.
El Real Junior
My Friend, the Monster (Schools)
18 Oct, 19 - 25 Oct, 19
Shadow Puppets

Production of Clair de Lune Théâtre
This performance, based on the novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, explores through the world of shadow theatre, the topic of exclusion, but in a fresh, poetic and fun way. This is how the company Claire de Lune transforms, with humor, sensitivity and a certain touch of the absurd, the story of this “different” creature that is rejected by others. The result is an amusing adaptation of the novel for shadow puppets and actors that perform in front of and behind the screen, and with which undoubtedly, both young and old will happily enjoy the performance.
Based on the novel Frankenstein (1818) by M. Shelley
Production of Clair de Lune Théâtre (Belgium)
New production of the Teatro Real
Children from the age of 5 years.
Gayarre Auditorium
Stage Director | Francy Begasse
Authors, Actors, Puppeteers
- I Paulo Ferreira
- | Amanda Kibble
- I Elise Dethier
- | Bernard Destree
Costume Designer | Sophie Debaisieux
Lighting Designer | Jean Louis Gilles
- I Eveline Ondine (Accordion)
- I Jean Vallons (Electric guitar)
- I Jean Nidaj (Toy piano)
Artistic information
Creative team
- Date/hour
- Space
- Cast
- Subscription ticket
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